Northern Virginia

Open to relocation

Dedicated and detail-oriented Financial Analyst with 4 years of experience with a Fortune 500 company turned Software Developer. Bachelor’s in Finance with hands-on software development experience in Python, C#, React, and JavaScript. Currently seeking to leverage professional experience with knowledge of software development to join a driven team that creates impactful products.

Yelp 2.0 screenshot

Yelp 2.0

JavaScript incorporating React, MongoDB, Express.js, Mongoose Server

A simple restaurant reviewer in which visitors may add restaurants and reviews. Others may add reviews to existing restaurants. Features include restaurants sorted by average rating, entry validation, and the prevention of duplicate restaurants in the database.

Activity Center screenshot

Activity Planner

C# using ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework

An activity planner in which registered users may plan fun activities and join other user-created activities. Features login and password validations, Bcrypt password hashing, Session, and one-to-many and many-to-many schema relationships.

Travel Buddy screenshot

Travel Buddy

Python in a Django Framework

A travel organizer allowing registered users to coordinate travel plans and join travel itineraries created by others. Featuring login validations, Bcrypt password hashing, Session, and multiple schema relationships.

String Manipulator


Java program using built in String methods.



A Java program that handles Imran Ghory's classic FizzBuzz test. A common technical interview algorithm!

React Hot Sauces Voting App screenshot

Hot Sauce Voting App

React Components in State

A simple voting app that prioritizes hot sauces based on accumulated votes in state.

Pure html and css screenshot



I created this after only four days of exposure to HTML and CSS. You learn quickly at Coding Dojo! We worked from an image—typos and mis-aligned boxes or missing content were intentional to test our attention to detail and ability to manipulate CSS appropriately.


A short list of what I have experience working with:

  • Languages

    Python, C#/.NET Core, JavaScript

  • Web Development

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Bootstrap, MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js)

  • Frameworks

    Flask, Django, Entity Framework Core

  • Databases

    Relational (MySQL, SQLite), Non-relational (MongoDB)

  • Deployment

    AWS, NGINX, Git

  • Software

    Visual Studio, MySQL Workbench, MS Office Suite (Access, Excel, Word), SEI Trust 3000

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